What a season! Spring season was a little easier on us because we weren't planning the STRIDES 5k in addition to coaching. This allowed us to enjoy running in a community 5k along with the students! We were joined by eight STRIDES participants for the Every Child Matters 5k Run/Walk at Loyola Marymount University. We are so proud of the efforts made by all of the students to be there and give it their best!
We were joined by several Olympic High School staff, including Marcia Gecht (the health teacher who joins us on all our training run/walks and welcomes us each Monday and Wednesday in her classroom), Janie Gates (the principal), Mark Harris (the school's guitar teacher) and Diane Palkovic (an instructional assistant). We were also joined by the 2011-2012 Community Outreach Coordinator for STRIDES - Liz Ruppel - who was a huge support for the students. Even one of the participants' parents came out to support the group!
We would also like to extend a huge congratulations out to three of our STRIDES participants who graduated high school on June 20. Ashley and I attended the ceremony and were so proud of Joana, Joe, and AJ! We wish them good luck and know they will go on to do amazing things.